Competition Friday!

1 Stop Healthcare is launching Competition Friday on Twitter! This week it is… Your favourite motivational quote! What you get… The best tweet will be re-tweeted to over 1000 followers on our Twitter, along with a follow from our page and a summary of your business/page! How you can get involved… Tag @1stoprec with your […]

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Work With Us!

Happy Friday! It’s a new year! And with that has come new clients for 1 Stop Healthcare. With a demand to supply to these new areas such as Southend, Stansted, King’s Lynn and Newmarket, comes a need for staff! Luckily we have a wonderful bunch of staff trained to the max in their areas of […]

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Our favourite parts of Christmas!

1 Stop Healthcare is an extremely festive office! And so, to celebrate the big day, we have decided to share our favourite things about the big day. Feel free to comment your favourites, and follow our social media to see more updates about our company: ‘When it’s all cold and lovely on the street and […]

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Christmas is coming…

As you may probably know from the numerous adverts, lights, panic buying, parties, trees etc… It’s nearly Christmas! We love Christmas here at 1 Stop Healthcare, and we are actually doing a Secret Santa within head office. And along with Christmas comes food, Christmas films, gift giving and receiving, family dinners and pretty lights. However, […]

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