40 fun things to do this summer

Summer is slowly coming… which means the sun – yay! However, if your summer is looking pretty dull, take a look at this list to discover a few things to brighten up the hottest months of the year! Go to the beach Eat (lots of) ice cream Go to a fairground Go on holiday Watch […]

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7 Tips on writing a great CV

Applying for jobs can be tricky! One of the number one things people always ask is how to write a CV that stands out, looks good, and gets you the job! As a recruitment agency, we can see hundreds of CV’s in one week, so we know which ones turn our heads! Below are 7 tips […]

Read More 7 Tips on writing a great CV

Dignity in Care

Yesterday (1st February) was Dignity in Action day. Providing dignity for people who use care services is of utmost importance. Just as you do, vulnerable people deserve your respect, and they deserve a right to be treated as an individual. It is simply so important to ensure people who use care services are treated as […]

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What are your values?

Everyone should have values. Whether that be the value of family coming first, to always help others when you can, or to work as hard as you can to reach your goals, our core values help to guide us, and shape us as people. So what are yours? We would love to know what values […]

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