How appreciating employees benefits everyone.

Appreciating your employees is a vital part of any business – but especially in recruitment! 1 Stop Healthcare makes a conscious effort to reward staff, which benefits everyone – a recent survey by OC Tanner found that employees who received recognition at least one time in the past 12 months saw marked improvements in several areas compared to employees who didn’t receive any recognition.

Below are a list of reasons why appreciating your employees is so important!

  • It motivates staff – leading to harder working individuals.
  • You retain great talent – appreciated staff = increased job satisfaction!
  • It increases confidence and trust in the employer – leading to happier employees!
  • Retained staff means lower turnover – meaning that those they support can benefit from familiar faces!

There are many ways to appreciate your employees. Below are a list of the things 1 Stop Healthcare does to ensure that our staff are appreciated:

  • Simply say thank you! It may not say much, but the effect that these words can have can be priceless.
  • Our benefit app – which includes discounts on high street stores, attractions, a 24hr online GP and much much more.
  • Employee of the Month – this motivates staff and they receive a present and a certificate for their hard work!
  • Helping them earn professional qualifications – meaning they are trained to the max, and have an excellent understanding of their job role.
  • An open door policy – meaning any of our staff are free to pop in for a tea/coffee and a chat at any time!


If you would like to speak to us about the roles we have available, please email Annabel on, or you can call us on the appropriate numbers below.

Please don’t hesitate to give us a call if you are interested in our services for your care setting:

Colchester:               01206 616171
Chelmsford:             01245 408761
Bury St Edmunds:   01284 771500
Ipswich:                     01473 550559

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