7 Tips on writing a great CV

Applying for jobs can be tricky! One of the number one things people always ask is how to write a CV that stands out, looks good, and gets you the job! As a recruitment agency, we can see hundreds of CV’s in one week, so we know which ones turn our heads! Below are 7 tips on writing a fab CV to nab you that all important role.

  1. Keep your CV up to date
    If you have TONS of professional experience in care, for example, but your CV only says that you have worked as a cashier, the employer won’t know how much brilliant experience you have, and may look elsewhere! Keep your CV up to date to ensure that you have all your experience on there, even if you aren’t currently looking for a role – you may forget important facts later on!
  2. Don’t make mistakes
    Your CV is showcasing you as a professional person, so when there are spelling or grammatical mistakes, it showcases you as a person that makes mistakes! Read through your CV aloud 3 times, so that you will be able to hear if you have made any mistakes – and double check your contact details! Someone may be trying to get in touch, but can’t due to a mistyped phone number!
  3. Show yourself off
    Sometimes it is good to be modest. However, on a CV, it’s vital that you showcase the best of yourself. Have you handled a complicated situation effectively? Put it on your CV. Are you super reliable? Put it on your CV! A CV is a wonderful thing, designed to show your best professional qualities, so make sure that you use it to your full advantage.
  4. Don’t lie on your CV
    Don’t every lie on your CV! It is much better to gain a role through experience that you actually have, rather than lose your role due to being caught out on your lie, or have an awkward conversation at your interview when you can’t answer questions about your ‘previous role’.
  5. Keep it short
    Employers can look through hundreds of CVs a week – so they don’t want to read a 4 page long CV! Keep it at 2 pages as a maximum, include bullet points to make your points strong and snappy, and don’t ramble too much!
  6. Make it relevant
    Every CV should be tailored to the role you are applying for. If you are applying with 1 Stop Healthcare, explain why you would love to work with that company at the start. For example, you could say: ‘I would love to work with 1 Stop Healthcare, because I think it’s fantastic that they offer so many qualifications along with the role, including QCF levels 2 + 3, the Training Academy and the Care Certificate, and I believe I would fit in well, as I am very enthusiastic about my career in care.’ This tailored approach makes it clear that you have researched the company, and that you understand what the company is all about!
  7. Include a cover letter
    Cover letters showcase your desire to work in the role, and provide some context for your CV. A cover letter introduces your CV, and looks much more professional to any employer!

So there you have it! Those are our 7 top tips on how to land your dream job! If you would like to speak to us further about the roles we have available, please email Annabel on workwithus@1stophealthcare.co.uk, or you can call us on the appropriate numbers below. Please don’t hesitate to give us a call if you are interested in our services for your care setting:

Colchester: 01206 616171
Chelmsford: 01245 408761
Bury St Edmunds: 01284 771500
Ipswich: 01473 550559

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