How to prepare for the unexpected

Part of a recruitment agency’s role is to prepare for the unexpected. So we believe we’re pretty experienced in preparing for unanticipated events. Below is a list of things we would suggest to help you prepare as best you can!

  1. Make a list of numbers to call when things go wrong.
    Keep it somewhere in view and safe, so that if the unexpected does happen, you don’t need to spend time searching for the right number to call – you can just get the problem fixed fast!
  2. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
    People will usually try their best to help someone in need (we know we do!), but you have to ask for help for you to receive the aid you need.
  3. Maintain a positive attitude
    Although a negative event may seem like the end of the world at the time, it may lead to something great! For example, a worker may call in sick, disrupting your planned rota, but then someone from an agency could come in, and you could discover an extremely talented individual! Life is full of surprises, but it takes a positive attitude to turn this into a positive outcome.
  4. Create a plan for the next time
    If something happens once, there is a good chance it may happen again. This is why it is a good idea to prepare a clear plan for the next time that this happens.

Let us help your care setting prepare for the unexpected. Contact us today on the appropriate numbers below to find out what sets us apart from other agencies, and why we are the recruitment partner of choice for East Anglia.

Colchester:             01206 616171
Ipswich:                   01473 550559
Bury St Edmunds: 01284 771500
Chelmsford:            01245 408761

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