13 qualities employers look for most

In the current times, it can be hard to land your dream role. The following qualities are the main things that employers will look for in a potential employee. Before you go to an interview, or even apply to a job, make sure that you have read these tips, and go land your dream career! (It could even be with us!)

1. A passion for the role

All employers want you to have a passion for the role. One of the reasons for this is that those who love what they do, always do a better job than those who don’t love it! We, as employers, want you to succeed, and want you to gain the career that you aspire to, and if they are interviewing you for a role, this means that they are passionate about helping you succeed. So make sure that the role you aspire to is something that interests you.

2. A positive attitude

If you’ve got a smile on your face, you will instantly brighten up any room you walk into. This includes your workplace! If you have a positive, can-do attitude, any employer will be more likely to want to work with you.

3. Hard worker

This one is a given. What employer wants someone that does the bare minimum? All employers want to know that their employees are going to work hard, and want to achieve great things in the workplace. Prove this in your interview by giving examples of when you went the extra mile, and what the result of this was. Alternatively, you could bring in a portfolio of all the great things you have done in your previous role to show the excellent standard you hold your work to!

4. Good listener

It’s important to sell yourself at an interview. But it is also important to listen. Employers don’t want someone who is not willing to listen to their managers, so don’t let your mouth run away with you! Take a minute to listen to the employer at the interview, as you can then judge whether or not you even want to take the job if offered!

5. Well presented

Please don’t wear jeans to your interview. Even if it’s an informal chat, an employer will always appreciate a professionally dressed individual. It shows that you took care and effort in your appearance in order to make a good impression, which in turn shows that you are dedicated to the role.

6. Flexible

No, we don’t mean that you need to do the splits. Employers may need their staff to be flexible to get an important project completed on time, to cover a shift, or to be there to help out a colleague. Remember that when you go for a job, even if there are specified hours and places that you are told to go, you may be asked to stay late/change your shift/help prepare for birthday celebrations – and employers will want to know that you are willing to be as flexible as possible in case of these events.

7. Team player

You work well on your own? Fantastic! But every job requires teamwork at some point. If you excel when working with others, and love the idea of working in a team, employers will want to hire you. When working in any industry, it is important to remember that the entire business is 1 team, and an employer will look for someone with this mindset.

8. Takes care of themselves

An employer wants you to care about the role. But they also want you to care about yourself. Take good care of your mental and physical health, and ensure that you maintain good hygiene levels.

9. Honest

Honesty actually is the best policy. Whether that means owning up to a mistake, or taking credit where credit is due, employers will always choose an honest individual over a dishonest one. Be upfront about your expectations, your experience and your availability, and then you won’t have anything to hide.

10. Asks questions when unsure

Employers want an inquisitive person who is eager to learn. Rather than someone that sits around when they do not know what to do, employers want someone who is keen to learn, who asks questions when they don’t know something and who is open about what they are and are not sure about. An employer will choose an inquisitive, curious individual over an uninterested, happy-with-the-minimum individual every time.

11. Friendly

Be friendly! If you are excited about the job, show it! If you like the person interviewing you, express it. If you don’t like the person interviewing you, then it may not be the role for you. Shake the hand of your interviewer, be confident, and always wear a smile.

12. Loyal to the company

An employer wants someone who is as passionate about the company as they are, and a key component of this is loyalty. No one will hire someone that they believe will speak badly of their company out of work hours. So show that you are excited by the company! Talk about the achievements the company has had, and how this has impressed you. Show what you love about the company, and the employer will undoubtedly be impressed.

13. Loves to learn

People believe that your learning experience ends after the last exam has been taken. This simply isn’t true. The workplace is one long learning experience, and there is always room to improve, learn new skills and adapt with the market. Employers know this, so they will want someone that is keen to learn these new skills, and keep the business at the forefront of new worldly developments.


1 Stop Healthcare is an award winning recruitment provider, specialising in placing healthcare professionals to care settings based in East Anglia. If you have found the above information useful as a potential employee, we believe that you may also find a role with us beneficial.
We urge you to send your CV to workwithus@1stophealthcare.co.uk for more information about the vacancies we have in East Anglia.

If you are interested in using our care services for your care setting, we would love to hear from you. You can contact us on the following numbers for more information on our services and to speak to one of our qualified booking coordinators.:

Chelmsford:            01245 408761
Bury St Edmunds: 01284 771500
Colchester:              01206 616171
Ipswich:                    01473 550559

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